Writers & Celebrities

Featured Guest
Rob Potsy
Associate Editor at Keenspot
Ent. Creator, Writer, on Junior
High Horrors, Immortal & Zor

Featured Guest
Andy Smith
Andy has been drawing comics since 1991 for Marvel, DC, Image, Valiant, CrossGen, and more! Andy has created Astonishing Comics that brings you the best art and story of graphic novels that include 1stMAN vol. 1 & 2, Jungle Lords/ Ultra, and now Kor-Dra: The Reckoning and the new volume Kor-Dra: The Awakening.

Featured Guest
A Webcomic creator, with 3 graphic novels published. A 4th comic on the way, he sure has his hands full.

Featured Guest
Kim Bourrie
Multi-disciplined Designer with over 26 years of experience in interactive design, UI/UX design, print design, and motion graphics. Now models 3D printable Tabletop props through FatesEnd.

Featured Guest
Damon Batt
Official artist for TFCon, TFExpo, Mighty.Con, and Transformers: Reanimated. Comic world artist.